According to Order# 9071 Admin (Male)-1, dated 1-August-2011 O/O Director Public Instruction Secondary Punjab Lahore 204 SSTs Male Bs 16 (General cadre- Punjab) have been promoted as Headmaster BS 17. They were notified by School Education Department Govt of the Punjab, via SO (S-VI) 6-9/2011 (Headmasters), Dated 30-June-2011, and placement of their services at the disposal of DPI (SE) Punjab Lahore for further posting/ adjustment. They are posted to and adjusted in different districts schools. For detail download the Notification of promotion from SST BS 16 to Headmaster Bs 17.
Download the Notification SST Bs16 to Headmaster Bs 17 Promotion
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HOw can we find the SSMT seniorty notification by Secretary of Education.
I am searching this for long time.