The examination authority of the University of Gujrat handed over the Date Sheet of the complementary exams MA, MSc, M.Com PartI and PartII 2020 and the annual exams 2021. The exams will take place in December. In accordance with the exam published in the calendar, the UOG will organize the additional exams for Laurea Magistrale, Magistrale, M.Com 2020 and the annual theoretical and practical exams 2021 from December 30, 2021. In addition, all other details Regarding the start of the exams have been provided in order to facilitate the students. Information on the location of the exam has been provided and candidates are required to take the exam based on this. In addition, there will be adequate implementation of SOPs in testing centers to prevent the spread of the pandemic. All government-notified SOPs regarding the COVID19 pandemic must be followed.
Download Date Sheet from below link: