Dow Health Sciences University Karachi has prepared the exam schedule for students enrolled in the first year of BS Radiologic Technology BSRT Semester II, second year BS Radiologic Technology BSRT Semester IV, third year BS Radiologic Technology BSRT Semester VI Theory and 2021 practical exam. BSRT students are directed to sit for the exam on the basis of the publication date of the semester dissertation. The 1st year BSRT 2021 exam will run from December 24, 2021, the 2nd year BSRT exam will take place from December 29, 2021 and the BSRT 2021 exam will start from December 28, 2021. Applicants will be required to pass the BSRT theory exam at Dow Medical College when they are expected to appear at the Dow Institute for Radiology for the 2021 practical exam. The quiz will contain the same MQ’s One Best Type for all applicants. However, the order of the questions needs to be changed. It should be noted that some changes if required can be made in the prescribed schedule as per contingency.
Download Date Sheet from below link:
DUHS Karachi BSRT 1st-3rd Year Exam 2021 Date Sheet