The Dow University of Health Sciences in Karachi is preparing the program after the decision to manage the Echocardiography SemesterII Examination 2021 Batch10 diploma. Applicants preparing to participate in the 2021 Semester II Echocardiography Diploma Examination are encouraged to follow the announced schedule of DUHS Karachi. According to the statement released by the DUHS officer, the EchoCard 2021 diploma exam will take place in January. For the execution of the exam, the DUHS has announced the exam schedule for the students. According to the final Echocardiography Diploma Examination Schedule, applicants are expected to take the exam from January 17, 2022. Applicants should carefully check the schedule shown in the datasheet with respect to each subject. Applicants strictly adhere to the card’s start time to avoid uncomfortable situations.
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