Director Public Instruction Punjab Secondary Punjab Lahore has asked the more new cases for seniority No 571 To Seniority 950 of BPS 17 for the promotion in BPS 18. The officer are asked to submit the complete case through their district offices with in seven days (synopsis complete in all respect). It is good sign that DPI SE Punjab Lahore is promptly calling and processing these cases for timely promotion of education officers. It is advised to all the education officials to keep their cases complete so that they submit the complete cases with in the due time. Remaining officer of Bs 17 should complete their cases before hand. As time for completion is very less, when DPI Office needs them for further process. If all the concerned officials timely submit their cases then the process of promotion by the office of Director Public Instruction Punjab Secondary Punjab Lahore also starts timely. So subit your cases with out any delay to your DEO SE.
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Do anybody know about deffered Promotion Cases From Grade 18 To Grade 19 in Punjab School Education Department discussed on 05-3-13. If so, kindly inform me at
sir… am i in the list or not…….???
With due respect it is submitted that my case for promotion from B-17 to B 18 was considered by the board at s. No. 239 for B- 18 and B-17 544/G and but further posting orders are awaited kindly look into the matter. It is added that i have confirmed from my colleagues they have joined their posts in B-18 and they were jr from me.
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