Non Register Schools – Mushroom Schools

Non Registered schools will be closed.

Waseela Education Program will soon be started

District Govt Destroyed the Education System of Punjab

Teacher Strike on 3rd March 2012



1 comment
  1. AoA!Respected Educator
    Mr. M.Sadar,Chairman PEA PUNJAB,Mr.Yasir Arafat Divisional Organisor FSD Division,Mr. Mus’ab Javaid Kamboh met Dy.Sec.Edu. & Sec.Edu.(Schools) today & discussed different prblms of Educators.
    1)Sec.Edu ensured them 2 giv quali.Allow.on all school calendar subjcts.
    2)Age Relaxtion apply in next recruitmnt.
    3)M.Phil Rs.5000/- for school teachers: summary sent to Finance.Deptt.
    4.)Sec.Edu.also assured to solve pay protection matter.
    Best wishes

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