Format Of English National Curriculum 2006

Format Of National Curriculum 2006 (English).

Curriculum 2006National Curriculum 2006 (Pakistan)

The format of National English Curriculum 2006 is as above. But there is slight difference in other subject curriculum. So it is requested to Pakistan National Curriculum wing to consider the suggestions which are given in this article. As these suggestions are collected from working teachers from PST (Primary Schools Teachers) to Sr. SS (Senior Subject Specialists) almost all the areas of Pakistan. It is already suggested by PakEducators.Com Team (in December 2006 on the final drat of National Curriculum 2006) that SLOs (National Curriculum SLOs) must be provided to all the Teachers of Pakistan. As teachers of Pakistan do not have the opportunity to have the copy National Curriculum till today, since the birth of Pakistan.

As far as the format of English National Curriculum 2006 is concerned that is given below.

There are five competencies in the subject of English National Curriculum 2006, namely:

  1. Reading and Thinking Skill (This skill has two Standards)
  2. Writing Skill (This Skill has one Standard)
  3. Oral Communication Skill (This Skill has one Standard)
  4. Formal and Lexical aspects of Language (This Skill has three Standards)
  5. Appropriate Ethical and Social Development (This Skill has one Standard)

For standard referenced Teaching / Learning is is important that the teachers of Pakistan must have the copies of (relevant subjects) National Curriculum. If concerned department is not in a position to provide the hard copies then at least SLOs copies must be provided at school level.

As it is in international practice that curriculum (standards) are reviewed after five or more (as per requirement), the National Curriculum 2006 needs complete review. The SLOs should be more precise with the clear Command words. The logical sequence should carefully be observed, so that teachers can easily understand what to teach (level of the content and it is also needed foe Assessment) and when (pace of time).

To be Continued…looking forward to your suggestions/ comments and inputs. Nothing to harm to Comment First.

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  1. I am working on National Curriculum 2006 as a reviewer and subject expert for two years. I have observed some ambiguities and confusions in the curriculum. The SLOs of each competency are not divided chapter-wise, which creates a great confusion for. textbook writers. So it is my suggestion that SLOs must be divided chapter-wise as in the curriculum of other subjects

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