Liaqat University of Medical and Health Sciences Jamshoro Controller of Examinations notifies all interested students of SemesterIX Final Professional Doctorate in Pharmacy who have attempted the College of Pharmacy, LUMHS Jamshoro Regular 2021 Session 2017 Examination that Liaqat University of Medical and Health Sciences Jamshoro have announced their doctorate in pharmacy. Examination held in October 2021. Candidates received the examination syllabus for the preparation of their work. Now is the time to check the performance of the candidates according to their level of preparation. Candidates learn about their performance in the result after checking their scores obtained in the exam. Errors and omissions may be corrected based on the original recording.
Concerned candidates can view their Result from below link:
Lumhs Jamshoro Doctor of Pharmacy Semester-IX Regular Exam 2021 Result 2022