Government College University Faisalabad GCUF Controller of Examinations has released the start schedule for the second annual Part Wise / Composite 2021 exam for students enrolled in MA and MSc.MA and MSc students must prepare documents in accordance with their roadmap to the Prepared MA exam and the annual Master 2021 exam will take place according to the schedule published in January. Students must take the theoretical exam and the practical exam according to the date, day and time mentioned in the assigned location. The university has issued an official notification in this regard. As the GCUF decides to start the exams, applicants ensure their attendance for the master’s and master’s exam from January 11, 2022. Applicants will be required to attend their selective subject as indicated in each subject in the datasheet will have to follow the instructions and schedule to appear in the exam. Candidates should bring their necessary belongings into the exam room regarding exams.A All government-issued COVID19 SOPs should be strictly observed.
Download Date Sheet from below link: